Farassi Delivery
What makes us special
Delivered Fast
With a single tab, book an express delivery to door and get your order in within 30-60 minutes.
*Not guaranteed; average delivery time.
With our competitive upfront fares, you always have the needed information to make the right decisions for all your deliveries.
Delivered safely and with care
Hand over your items to our well-trained drivers and track your delivery in real-time.
Fleet gallery
Farassi Delivery offers a wide range of vehicle choices. With our wide range vehicles, we can handle any package size and you can choose the best vehicle for your package delivery.
Most frequent questions and answers
FarassiDelivery is an on-demand delivery service that helps you to deliver items such as documents, parcels, and gifts to your business partners, family and friends.
Complete your delivery in 4 steps
- Download Farassi app
- Key in your pick-up and drop-off locations to get your fixed upfront fare.
- After confirming your booking, the nearest Farassi service provider will receive your order and head to the pick-up point right away.
- You can track your parcel real-time in the Farassi app
All our service providers have been trained extensively coupled with robust background checks. You may contact our customer service for any difficulties or in any case of loss or damaged items.
Drive | Bike | Ride | Order | Deliver
And make payment with Farassi Pay or Cash
to make your payments. Farassi Pay offers cheaper fares compared to paying with cash. Download our Apps Now

What Makes Our MaGic Real
Convenient and friendly rides
Using farassi is convenient. Our service providers are friendly, organized and well trained.
Clear and transparent fares/prices
We always show you the price before you order for a service and the best part is, the prices are negotiable. Awesome isn't it!
Journey Tracking
Your safety is our priority. All our trips are geo-tracked.You can also share your trip in real-time so your friends and family know where you are.
We're here for you
Our customer support team is here to help you and answer any questions you might have.

The Farassi experience is having the opportunity to negotiate and bargain for a sweet affordable fare and enjoying a wonderful and a smooth ride as if you never paid for anything.
I’ll do this Millions of Times
The App that does MaGic